He aquí algunos de los más frecuentes:
He aquí algunos de los más frecuentes:
-ance/-ence: tolerance (tolerancia), obedience (obediencia)
-age: coverage (cobertura), drainage (drenaje), pilgrimage (peregrinaje)
‑al: refusal (negativa), survival (supervivencia)
‑ation: education (educación), exploration (exploración),
(fascinación), organization (organización)
-cy: accuracy (exactitud), bankruptcy (bancarota)
‑dom: boredom (aburrimiento), freedom (libertad),
kingdom (reino), wisdom (sabiduría)
‑ery: bribery (soborno), flattery (adulación),
slavery (esclavitud)
‑hood: brotherhood (hermandad), childhood (niñez),
(maternidad), neighbourhood (vecindario)
‑ing: banking (banca), driving (conducción), farming (agricultura), fishing (pesca), hunting
(caza), potholing (espeleología), shoplifting (hurto en tiendas)
‑ism: communism (comunismo), impressionism
(impresionismo), racism (racismo)
‑ity: familiarity (familiaridad), respectability (respetabilidad), similarity (similitud)
‑ment: agreement (acuerdo), amazement (sorpresa), arrangement (arreglo)
‑ness: blindness (ceguera), happiness
(felicidad), loneliness (soledad), madness (locura), sadness
‑ocracy: aristocracy (aristocracia), democracy (democracia)
-ship: championship (campeonato),
friendship (amistad), hardship (privaciones), relationship (relación)
‑th: depth (profundidad),
growth (crecimiento), length (longitud), strength (fuerza), truth (verdad), width (anchura), youth
-ure: closure (cierre), failure (fracaso)
Forma nombres abstractos a partir de las siguientes palabras:
a.- appear -
b.- differ -
c.- achieve -
d.- regent -
e.- rely -
f.- resist -
g.- captive -
h.- patron -
i.- repent -
j.- ignore -
k.- confide -
l.- try -
m.- poor -
n.- seize -
ñ.- resent -
o.- eager -
p.- father -
q.- star -
r.- exaggerate -
s.- mile -
Completa los huecos con el sufijo adecuado para formar nombres abstractos:
a.- All those hard........ made her life one long martyr......
b.- I admire his kind........and his unselfish..........
c.- If you enter into partner......with him, it won't be long before you go bankrupt
d.- In all fair......, I don't think I deserve the prize
e.- In all likeli......., she won't compete for the swimming champion........this year
f.- It's an industry with a high rate of absentee..........
g.- I honestly believe that more and more catholics are in favour of the ordin..... of women to the priest......
h.- The innate wis......of illiterate peasants is legendary
i.- He was found guilty of brib........and corruption
j.- Recently there has been a reviv........of interest in Dali's work
a.- appearance, b.- difference; c.- achievement; d.- regency; e.- reliability; f.- resistance; g.- captivity; h.- patronage; i.- repentance; j.- ignorance; k.- confidence; l.- trial; m.- poverty; n.- seizure; ñ.- resentment; o.- eagerness; p.- fatherhood; q.- stardom; r.- exaggeration; s.- mileage
a.- ships; dom
b.- ness; ness
c.- ship
d.- ness
e.- hood; ship
f.- ism
g.- ation; hood
h.- dom
i.- ery
j.- al
a.- appear -
b.- differ -
c.- achieve -
d.- regent -
e.- rely -
f.- resist -
g.- captive -
h.- patron -
i.- repent -
j.- ignore -
k.- confide -
l.- try -
m.- poor -
n.- seize -
ñ.- resent -
o.- eager -
p.- father -
q.- star -
r.- exaggerate -
s.- mile -
Completa los huecos con el sufijo adecuado para formar nombres abstractos:
a.- All those hard........ made her life one long martyr......
b.- I admire his kind........and his unselfish..........
c.- If you enter into partner......with him, it won't be long before you go bankrupt
d.- In all fair......, I don't think I deserve the prize
e.- In all likeli......., she won't compete for the swimming champion........this year
f.- It's an industry with a high rate of absentee..........
g.- I honestly believe that more and more catholics are in favour of the ordin..... of women to the priest......
h.- The innate wis......of illiterate peasants is legendary
i.- He was found guilty of brib........and corruption
j.- Recently there has been a reviv........of interest in Dali's work
a.- appearance, b.- difference; c.- achievement; d.- regency; e.- reliability; f.- resistance; g.- captivity; h.- patronage; i.- repentance; j.- ignorance; k.- confidence; l.- trial; m.- poverty; n.- seizure; ñ.- resentment; o.- eagerness; p.- fatherhood; q.- stardom; r.- exaggeration; s.- mileage
a.- ships; dom
b.- ness; ness
c.- ship
d.- ness
e.- hood; ship
f.- ism
g.- ation; hood
h.- dom
i.- ery
j.- al
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