
Transformation exercises- 1

Transformation exercises:

Se trata de lo siguiente: Dada una primera oración base y una determinada palabra, el objetivo es producir una segunda frase que tenga el mismo o similar significado que la primera, pero usando la palabra dada, que no debe cambiarse en ningún caso. Por ejemplo:
a.- I haven't seen her for twenty years
b.- I haven't seen her since 1993

a.- I'd prefer to stay at home tonight
b.- I'd rather stay at home tonight

a.- I've kept the receipt for the shirt because it may not fit you
b.- I've kept the receipt for the shirt in case it doesn't fit you

Estos transformation exercises son muy útiles para profesores y examinadores para comprobar el nivel de los alumnos, y para los propios alumnos para repasar las estructuras gramaticales, el léxico, los modismos, etc. y para preparar exámenes de nivel B-1 o B-2, como 4º y 5º de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas o el Cambridge First Certificate in English Examination, más conocido como FCE (First Certificate English).
Los ejercicios de transformación se usan especialmente para repasar algunos de los siguientes temas:
- verbos + infinitivo con to/verbos + forma en -ing: to decide to do sth/to enjoy doing sth
- verbo +  infinitivo con to/ verbo + infinitivo sin to: to allow sb to do sth/to let sb do sth
- verbos + preposición: to borrow sth from sb/to lend sth to sb
- paso de oraciones activas a pasiva o viceversa: they cancelled the show/the show was cancelled
- to do sth/to have sth done: I cut the grass/I had the grass cut
- paso de estilo directo a estilo indirecto: "Can you help me?" the old lady asked me/The old lady asked me if I could help her
- verbos modales y semi-modales: needn't/not to have to: you needn't do it/you don't have to do it
- verbos frasal/ sinónimo no-frasal: to come into sth/to inherit sth; to get sb down/to depress sb
- oraciones condicionales, esp. las llamadas third conditionals: it rained, so we didn't go to the beach/we would have gone to the beach if it hadn't rained
- for/since: for two hours/since seven o'clock
- too/enough: too narrow/not wide enough
-so + adjetivo/such (a/an) + nombre: He's so old/he's such an old man
- distintas construcciones con I wish: I wish you told me/I wish you had told me/I wish you wouldn't be so reserved
- distintas construcciones con I'd rather: I'd rather leave now/I'd rather you left
- modismos y construcciones idiomáticas: it doesn't matter/it doesn't make any difference

En mi larga experiencia docente, he podido comprobar la dificultad que ocasiona este tipo de ejercicio a muchos alumnos. Es por esta razón por la que pienso dedicar un buen número de entradas en mi blog a transformation exercises, con su clave correspondiente para ayudar en lo posible a mis seguidores a superar esta dificultad. 

Exercise 1

Complete the second sentence using the word in brackets so that it has the same meaning as the first:

1.- The water wasn't warm enough; he didn't have a swim
1.- The water......................................have a swim

2.- I regret kissing him
2.- I wish...............................

3.- Today is Saturday. Why did you come to the office?
3.- Today is Saturday. You........................to the office

4.- I passed the exam thanks to your help
4.- I wouldn't.........................

5.- I walked quietly because I didn't want to wake the baby
5.- I walked quietly........................... to wake the baby

6.- The man suddenly realised that the neighbour was watching him (watched)
6.- The man suddenly realised that...........................the neighbour

7.- I was made responsible for foreign sales
7.- They ...................................foreign sales

8.- The doctors tried very hard to save his life
8.- The doctors..........................to save his life

9.- I'll help you change the wheel
9.- I....................................the wheel

10.- Can you understand this paper?
10.- Can you ..........................this paper?

Exercise 2

Re-write each of the following sentences using the word given in brackets so that it has the same meaning as the original

1.- She wants you to meet her outside the cinema (are)

2.- People believe that his discovery is very important (believed)

3.- I've never tasted such good food before (best)

4.- What a pity she wasn't taken to hospital sooner (only)

5.- My brother earns half of what I earn (twice)

6.- We had just arrived when it started to rain (than)

7.- Justin regrets losing his temper with his son (wishes)

8.- We paid some people to redecorate our house for us last year (had)

9.- He only did the work after he had been paid (not)

10.- Sandra will finish her exams. Then she will have more free time (once)


Exercise 1

1.- was too cold for him
2.- I hadn't kissed him
3.- needn't have come
4.- have passed the exam if you hadn't helped me
5.- so as not
6.- he was being watched by
7.- put me in charge of
8.- did their best
9.- don't mind helping you (to) change
10.- make sense of

Exercise 2

1.- You are to meet her outside the cinema
2.- His discovery is believed to be very important
3.- It's the best food I've ever tasted
4.- If only she had been taken to hospital sooner
5.- I earn twice as much (money) as my brother
6.- No sooner had we arrived than it started to rain
7.- Justin wishes he hadn't lost his temper with his son
8.- We had our house redecorated last year
9.- Not until he had been paid did he do the work
10.- Once she has finished her exams, Sandra will have more free time/Once Sandra has finished her exams, she will have more free time.

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