Hoy toca léxico: problemas de salud que generalmente no suelen ser graves, pero que son siempre molestos:
(minor) health problems:
to be a bit off-colour/under the weather/out of sorts/to feel poorly (estar un poco pachucho, no estar muy católico)
to be a hypochondriac (ser hipocondríaco)
to be carsick/seasick/airsick (marearse en un coche/barco/avión)
to be constipated (estar estreñido)
to be hard of hearing (ser duro de oído)
to be hoarse (estar ronco)
to be itching all over (picar todo el cuerpo)
to be sick (devolver, vomitar)
to be/get injured (estar lesionado/lesionarse)
to break out in a cold sweat (cubrirse de sudor frío)
to come/break out in spots (salir granos)
to experience/get/have (got) discomfort (tener molestias); to cause
discomfort (causar molestias)
to feel dizzy (tener vértigo)
to feel faint (estar mareado)
to feel nausea (sentir náuseas)
to feel sick (tener ganas de devolver/vomitar)
to feel the sting of (sentir el escozor de); a bee/wasp sting (una picadura de abeja/avispa); to be stung by an insect (ser picado por un insecto)
to get/have (got) (a) cramp (tener un calambre/calambres)
to get a scrape/graze/scratch (hacerse un rasguño/arañazo)
to get/have (got) cramps (tener fuerte dolor de barriga, esp. durante la menstruación)
to get pins and needles [sentir hormigueo (cuando se quedan dormidos piernas o brazos)]
to get (bad) sunburn (quemarse por estar demasiado tiempo al sol)
to get sunstroke (coger una insolación)
to get/have (got) diarrhoea/the runs (colloq.) (entrar/tener diarrea)
to get/have (got) pimples/spots (salir/tener granitos, espinillas)
to have (got) a nosebleed (sangrar por la nariz)
to have (got) (a) stomachache (tener dolor de estómago)
to have (got) (a) toothache (tener dolor de muelas)
to have (got) /suffer from indigestion (estar empachado); to get
indigestion (empacharse)
to have (got) a blocked nose (tener la nariz taponada)
to have (got) a boil (tener un forúnculo)
to have (got) a bruise (tener un cardenal, un moratón, una magulladura)
to have (got) a bunion (tener un juanete)
to have (got) a cold (estar resfriado)
to have (got) a corn (tener un callo en el pie)
to have (got) a cough (tener tos)
to have (got) a dripping nose (gotear la nariz)
to have (got) a gumboil (tener un flemón)
to have (got) a headache (tener dolor de cabeza), to suffer from
headaches (padecer de jaqueca); my head’s throbbing (me va a estallar la cabeza)
to have (got) a lump (tener un bulto)
to have (got) a pain in the chest/in one’s side/in the leg (doler el pecho, el costado, la pierna)
to have (got) a rash on one’s chest (tener sarpullidos en el pecho)
to have (got) a sore throat (doler la garganta)
to have (got) a stiff neck (tener tortícolis)
to have (got) a temperature (tener fiebre)
to have (got) aches and pains (tener achaques)
to have (got) an upset stomack (tener el estómago revuelto)
to have (got) backache (tener dolor de espalda)
to have (got) blisters (tener ampollas)
to have (got) callosities (tener callos en las manos)
to have (got) decayed teeth/tooth decay (tener caries)
to have (got) earache (tener dolor de oído)
to have (got) painful joints (tener dolor en las articulaciones)
to have (got) serious/severe/minor burns (tener graves/severas/pequeñas quemaduras)
to have (got) sores (tener llagas, úlceras)
to have (got) the hiccoughs/hiccups (tener hipo)
to have (got) high/low blood pressure (tener la presión alta/baja)
to hurt oneself (lastimarse, hacerse daño)
to itch (picar)
to pull a muscle (sufrir un tirón en un músculo)
to remove a wart (quitarse una verruga)
to sneeze (estornudar)
to sprain one’s ankle (torcerse el tobillo)
to suffer from haemorrhoids/piles (colloq.) (padecer de hemorroides/almorranas)
to suffer from insomnia (padecer de insomnio)
to suffer from migraine (padecer de migraña)
Match the letters with the numbers:
a. If you have a cough...
b. If you swallow with difficulty .....
c. If you’re unable to sleep.....
d. If you spend too much time in the sun......
e. If you’re often constipated......
f. If you have a gumboil.....
g. If you hit your arm......
h. If you cycle for too long.......
i. If you sit like that for too long....
1. you get sunburn
2. you can get stiff legs
3. you suffer from insomnia
4. you may have a cold
5. you may develop a bruise
6. you may develop piles
7. you may have a sore throat
8. you’ll get pins and needles
9. you should go to the dentist
a-4; b-7; c-3; d-1; e-6; f-9; g-5; h-2; i-8
From my book Short Stories to Help You Increase Your Vocabulary, Verticebooks, 2013, pp. 75-78 and 95.
Common mistakes
Hace 5 años
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