
Phrasal verbs: fill in the blanks exercises

Exercise one (elementary)

Fill in the blanks with the right particles

1.- He took ...........his shirt (se quitó la camisa)
2.- I'm looking .............my glasses (estoy buscando mis gafas)
3.- Go.........reading, please (sigue leyendo, por favor)
4.- The good old days will never come...... (los días felices nunca volverán)
5.- The babysitter will look.............our baby (la canguro cuidará de nuestro bebé)
6.- What time does our plane take ..........? (¿a qué hora sale nuestro avión)
7.- We've run ...............petrol (se nos ha acabado la gasolina)
8.- It was evident that their house had been broken......... (era evidente que habían entrado en su casa para robar)
9.- Lots of fires break.............in Galicia during the summer (se producen muchos incendios en Galicia durante el verano)
10.- I'm afraid our car has broken............. (me temo que nuestro coche se ha averiado) 

Exercise two (intermediate)

1.- Nobody had heard.........him in the village (nadie había oído hablar de él en el pueblo)
2.- He had a brilliant future before him, but he has taken..........drinking lately (tenía un brillante futuro ante sí, pero últimamente se ha dado a la bebida)
3.- His foreign accent gave him .......... (su acento extranjero le delató)
4.- I'm afraid the elections will have to be brought..........(me temo que las elecciones tendrán que adelantarse)
5.- This is not the right time to bring........that subject (este no es el momento indicado para sacar a colación ese tema)
6.- The other day I ran......George, whom I hadn't seen for ages (el otro día me topé con George, al que hacía siglos que no veía)
7.- Look.........the word in your dictionary (busca la palabra en tu diccionario)
8.- I'll look.......the matter and let you know (investigaré el asunto y te informo)
9.- The fire is controlled, but it hasn't been put..........yet (el incendio está controlado, pero todavía no está apagado)
10.- Tom takes............his grandfather (Tom ha salido al abuelo)

Exercise three (upper-intermediate)

1.- What a wonderful photo! I'm going to have it blown......... (!que foto tan maravillosa! La voy a ampliar)
2.- The thief made ...........with the pearl necklace (el ladrón se largó con el collar de perlas)
3.- He stands .........from the rest of the actors in the movie (sobresale del resto de los actores de la película)
4.- The lorry driver pulled.......to let the ambulance pass (el conductor del camión se echó a un lado para dejar pasar la ambulancia)
5.- He´s been losing weight recently; what do you put it..........? (últimamente ha estado adelgazando; ¿a qué lo achacas?)
6.- Never let a pal .......... (nunca dejes a un amigo en la estacada)
7.- Do you think there's enough wine to go........? (¿crees que hay bastante vino para todos?)
8.- It must have been the cold weather that brought........dad's cold (debe de haber sido el tiempo frío lo que provocó el resfriado a papá)
9.- I came......this valuable first edition at a second-hand bookshop (encontré por casualidad esta valiosa primera edición en una librería de libros usados)
10.- He waited for his girlfriend for an hour, but she stood him.......(esperó a su novia una hora, pero ella le dio plantón)

Exercise 4 (advanced)

1.- He didn't even show.........at the meeting
2.- Stop showing..........; you're not impressing anybody
3.- My girlfriend and I broke........five months ago
4.- When she heard that her husband had been jailed she fainted, and the doctor had to bring her...........
5.- He's so bossy. He's always trying to lay.........the law
6.- This mobile phone doesn't work. I'm afraid you've been taken......
7.- The news got...........that he had been killed
8.- He doesn't like the boss; he keeps running him.........
9.- They all looked............to their History teacher
10.- Yes, I could do.........a cup of tea.


Exercise one: 1.- off; 2.- for; 3.- on; 4.- back; 5.- after; 6.- off; 7.- out of; 8.- into; 9.- out; 10.- down

Exercise two: 1.- of; b.- to; 3.- away; 4.- forward; 5.- up; 6.- across/into; 7.- up; 8.- into; 9.- out; 10.- after

Exercise three: 1.- up; 2.- away/off; 3.- out; 4.- in; 5.- down to; 6.- down; 7.- round/around; 8.- on; 9.- across; 10.- up

Exercise four: 1.- up; 2.- off; 3.- up; 4.- round/around; 5.- down; 6.- in; 7.- about/around/round; 8.- down; 9.- up; 10.- with

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