
Grammar review: practical exercises-3 (conditionals)

Hoy vamos a revisar las oraciones condicionales http://sanchezbenedito.blogspot.com.es/2013/09/oraciones-condicionales.html

haciendo un par de ejercicios prácticos:


Pon los verbos entre paréntesis en el tiempo adecuado:

1.- She wouldn't marry him if he .............(not be) a millionnaire.
2.- The lid ...........(leak) if you don't do it up tightly.
3.- If he wasn't/weren't so vain, he ..........(have) more friends.
4.- I'd like to drive a racing car if I........(have) the chance.
5.- If I had invested in The Costa del Sol, I ........(be) rich now.
6.- If he............(be) honest, he would have returned the money.
7.- If it ............(rain), I'll give you a lift.
8.- If water is frozen, it ...... (expand).
9.- If I ............(practise) more, I wouldn't have failed my driving test.
10.- If I had been more careful, I...........(not cut) my finger.


Transforma las oraciones en (a), usando unless en todas ellas y empezando con la palabra dada en (b):

1a.- If it doesn't get more money, the hospital will close.
1b.- The ....................
2a.- Speak to him only if he speaks to you first.
2b.- Don't ...........................
3a.- Without a change in your attitude, you'll never be a champion.
3b.- You'll.........................................
4a.- If the economy doesn't pick up, I'll go back to my country.
4b.- I'll.............................................................
5a.- You will be taken to court if you don't pay up.
5b.- Unless ...................................................
6a.- My brother-in-law will sell the car to somebody else if I don't telephone him today.
6b.- Unless ..........................................................



1.- wasn't/weren't; 2.- will leak; 3.- would have; 4.- had; 5.- would be; 6.- had been; 7.- rains; 8.- expands; 9.- had practised; 10.- I wouldn't have cut. 


1b.- The hospital will close unless it gets more money.
2b.- Don't speak to him unless he speaks to you first.
3b.- You'll never be a champion unless you change your attitude.
4b.- I'll go back to my country unless the economy picks up.
5b.- Unless you pay up, you will be taken to court.
6b.- Unless I telephone him today, my brother-in-law will sell the car to somebody else.

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