
Grammar review: practical exercises-2 (that/which)

To continue with our grammar-review program, today I suggest an exercise to give you the opportunity to practise the two relative pronouns which and that


Fill in the gaps with that or which as adequate. In some cases, you'll find that both are possible:

1.- He has hundreds of books, most of ..........are unread.
2.- A computer and a few CDs was all .........was taken in the robbery.
3.- We were told that we would be held responsible for anything ........went wrong.
4.- We didn't like the hotel at .......... we stayed to last summer.
5.- He kept me waiting for two hours, ..........annoyed me intensely.
6.- The cheque ...........he was given by the buyers was returned by the bank.
7.- The thought of going home to his family was all ........kept him happy while he was working abroad.
8.- The biggest event next year will be the Olympic Games, .........will be held in July.
9.- This is the bridge from .........he jumped.
10.- That's a tradition ...........goes back to the 17th century.
11.- There was little ..........interested me at the exhibition.
12.- Take that lift over there; it's the only one ........ works.


1.- which; 2.- that; 3.- that (which is also possible, but not common); 4.- which (though the hotel we stayed at is much more common); 5.- which; 6.- that/relative omitted (which is also possible, but not common); 7.- that; 8.- which; 9.- which (this is the bridge he jumped from is more colloquial); 10.- that/which; 11.- that; 12.- that (which is also possible, but quite uncommon).

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