
Preparing for the 'oposiciones': idioms with 'way'

Idioms with 'way'

all the way (por completo, hasta el final)
by the way (a propósito)
by way of (a.-pasando por; b- a modo de)
can you tell me the way to...? (¿me puede decir cómo se va a...?)
get out of the way! (¡quítate de en medio!)
I must be on my way (tengo que marcharme)
in a way (en cierto modo)
in the family way (embarazada)
no way! (¡ni hablar!, ¡de ninguna manera!)
on one’s way (de camino)
the other way round (al revés, todo lo contrario)
the wrong way round (al revés, lo de delante detrás)
there are no two ways about it (no tiene vuelta de hoja)
this way (por aquí)
to ask the way to (preguntar cómo se va a algún lugar )
to be born that way (haber nacido así, ser de nacimiento)
to be in the way (estorbar, estar en medio)
to be set in one’s ways (tener costumbres fijas)
to be under way (estar en marcha, haciéndose)
to cut both ways (ser un arma de doble filo, tener ventajas e inconvenientes)
to do sth one’s way (hacer algo a su manera)
to give way (a.- ceder, hundirse; b.- ceder ante alguien; c.- IBr ceder el paso)
to go a long way towards (contribuir en gran manera a)
to go out of one’s way to (desvivirse por)
to go the way of all flesh (morir, como todo el mundo)
to have a way with people (tener don de gentes)
to have one’s (own) way (salirse con la suya)
to look the other way (hacer la vista gorda)
to lose one’s way (perderse)
to make one’s way in the world (abrirse camino en la vida)
to pave the way to (preparar el terreno para)
to wait to see which way the wind is blowing (esperar a ver por donde van los tiros)
you can’t have it both ways (las dos cosas no pueden ser, no se puede repicar y andar en la procesión)


Match the letters with the numbers:

a.- She has already had two children.....
b.- It isn’t his fault if he’s so obstinate......
c.- My wife is very clever; she always has...........
d.- The new law will go........
e.- I didn’t know he was dead........
f.- Can I borrow your new car? ......
g.- The room was too crowded.......
h.- You either accept the transfer or you won’t be promoted.......
i.-  She gave me a kiss..........
j.-  She doesn’t mind engaging in heavy petting.........

1.- You can’t have it both ways
2.- Yes, he’s gone the way of all flesh
3.- He was born that way
4.- but she never goes all the way
5.- and she’s in the family way again
6.- by way of payment
7.- her (own) way in the end
8.- No way!
9.- and eventually the floor gave way
10.- a long way towards solving the problem


a-5; b-3; c-7; d-10; e-2; f-8; g-9; h-1; i-6; j-4

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