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Preparing for the 'oposiciones': synonyms (exercise)

Here are some synonyms or near-synonyms of some words, but there is an odd man out in each case. Find it:

1.- to despise (despreciar) : to deride, to disdain, to hoard, to look down on, to shun, to scorn, to slight, to spurn 
2.- to cry (llorar): to heal, to shed tears, to sob, to sniff, to snivel, to wail, to whine
3.- pale (pálido): emaciated, foul, gaunt, haggard, pallid, sallow 
4.- fat (gordo): chubby, lanky, plump, obese, overweight, porky, stout, tubby
5.- magnificent (magnífico): admirable, gorgeous, grand, great, splendid, superb, spectacular, striking, glorious, weird, wonderful
6.- to confuse (confundir): to baffle, to ban, to bewilder, to confound, to disconcert, to mistify, to perplex
7.- horrible (horrible): awful, appalling, dreadful, frightful, soothing
8.- astute (astuto): artful, clever, crafty, cunning, guileful, harassed, shrewd
9.- to tolerate (tolerar):  to bear, to endure, to get away with, to put up with, to suffer
10.- thin (delgado): bony, fleshy, skinny, underweight, scrawny, scraggy, puny, skeletal


1- to hoard (atesorar); 2-to heal (curar); 3-foul (asqueroso); 4-lanky (larguirucho); 5-weird (extraño); 6-to ban (prohibir); 7- 
soothing (tranquilizador); 8-harassed (acosado); 9-to get away with (quedar impune); 10-fleshy (carnoso); gordo).

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